
Our Work

How can you participate?

It is not necessary to sign up for the campaign in order to participate, because we want as many fans as possible to take part in the campaign that can consent to our core principles!

However, the more support the campaign publicly, the more powerful it gets! We would therefore appreciate it if groups of fans who wish to participate would let us know about their commitment by sending an email containing:

The name of your club:
Your group name:
Contact information (email-address):
Link to website:

Please send this email to  info@footballsupporterseurope.org

Once your involvement in the campaign has been registered, we will put the name of your fans’ group up on our list of participants!

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Football Supporters Europe eV
Postfach 30 62 18
20328 Hamburg


Tel.: +49 40 370 877 51
Fax: +49 40 370 877 50
Email: info@fanseurope.org



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